ICST trains future pastors nurtured on the Word and the Sacrament, who will preach the Word of God, minister to the sacramental needs of God’s people, build, guide, and lead the communities. The seminary educates these future pastors to be men of learning, competent and perceptive, mature men prayerfully dedicated to God and apostolically committed to His kingdom.


Appreciative of our heritage of faith and culture
immersed in a situation of economic poverty, political imbalance, and socio-cultural and religious underdevelopment of Northern Luzon: We envision ourselves as a community of disciples

whose lives are rooted and centered in Christ
and who aspire to become
Spirit-filled diocesan priests of the Catholic Church
who are servant leaders following Christ’s way
of generous self-giving and solidarity with the poor
at the service of the Kingdom of God.

With this vision before us,
we commit ourselves to a holistic seminary formation geared towards renewed integral evangelization, building Basic Ecclesial Communities, empowerment of the laity, inculturation of the Gospel message, and promotion of charity, truth, social justice and peace.

In the realization of this vision-mission,
we entrust ourselves to the Maternal intercession and protection of Mary Immaculate, our Patroness.

ICST Theme

Holding on to a meaningful past 
Bearing our hearts out to the Lost and Last, 
A Voice to those, who cannot speak 
Showing the way to all seek 

Together we sound the enduring cry! 
That in Christ, God alone we glorify
Shaped by the love of Him who gave us everything, 
We go on leading, giving, loving! 

We are forged to set out in mission, 
Molded to share the Good news, 
We carry the cross with a new vision 
All, in love we are ready to lose! Enflame the hearts of all, 
Call out to eve-ry soul! 
In truth, build the Kingdom! 
That peace and justice may come 

Trusting in Mary, Mother of all 
Come, dear sons of God, hear and Heed His call! (Refrain) 

In truth build the Kingdom that peace and justice may come!

by Jomar Castañeda